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How do you know the authentic way of making steamed buns with beef and mutton?


Beef and mutton steamed buns

Approach I

Main ingredient: pancake (standard) 200g

Accessories: 50g day lily (dried), 50g agaric (watered), 50g vermicelli, 10g green garlic, 10g coriander, 100g mutton (cooked)

Spices: 4g salt, 2g MSG, 2g pepper

Production process:

1. First break the pancake into pieces;

2. Wash and tear yellow flowers and agaric;

3. Vermicelli bubble hair;

4. Clean the garlic and select the segment;

5. Rinse the coriander;

6. Slice marinated mutton for standby;

7. Put the broken pancake into the pot, add mutton soup, add yellow flowers, fungus, vermicelli, and green garlic, and cook them well;

8. Stir in salt, MSG and pepper and put into a bowl;

9. Add the sliced marinated mutton and sprinkle with coriander. The soup of steamed buns is clear and the meat is rotten. The soup is the most important. The bone soup and the broth are boiled separately. The meat is marinated for 20 hours, and then boiled for 8-12 hours. It is common to cook steamed bun soup. A large pot with a diameter of nearly 1 meter is used. The sauce is made from a 50 kg flour bag, filled with a bag, and put into the pot to cook. The particular sellers close the shop after selling all the soup, so almost all the delicious Paomo shops open at 7 a.m. and close at about 1 p.m;

Approach II

Raw materials: mutton, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, anise, dangshen, astragalus, kaempferi, fragrant leaves, grass nut, amomum villosum, hawthorn, Chinese prickly ash


1. Select the best mutton (six month old lamb is the best, and one year old lamb is the most popular). The commonly used parts are lamb legs and rear buttocks;

2. After washing, cut it into large pieces, which should be cut along the texture of the meat, and the slices are the most tasty and rotten;

3. The mutton is put into a pressure cooker. If conditions permit, the spices commonly used in the material package include ginger, garlic, cinnamon, anise, dangshen, astragalus, kaempferi, vanilla, amomum villosum, hawthorn, Chinese prickly ash, etc. Remember not to put onions (the above spices can be put in less according to family conditions, and there is no harm);

4. Pour clean water into the fire and boil it, skim the floating blood foam, and then turn to the low fire for stewing (remember not to soak and bleed);

5. According to the choice of mutton, braise it for one to two hours, and then turn off the fire;

6. At the same time of stewing, put some flour into the basin, and add a little salt water to increase the taste and toughness of the steamed bun. For seasoning, add a little cumin powder;

7. Add a little water and knead it into a hard dough. Cover it and wake up for 20 minutes. After waking up, use high gluten flour to put the dough. This process is repeated to ensure that the dough will be kneaded every 5-10 minutes, and the dough will be kneaded three to five times, until the hardness is too hard to be kneaded;

8. Grab the dough into a preparation of the same size, roll it into a disc, and put it into a pan without oil. (The oven can be used instead, 220 ℃ for 20 minutes);

9. Heat the steamed bun and cover it;

10. Keep turning the bread and bun repeatedly;

11. The baked bun is torn into small dice by hand or with a knife, the size of which is the same as that of a cigarette holder;

12. Another pot is used. Put the original soup of mutton stew in the pot, add vermicelli and black fungus to cook, and add salt to taste;

13. After the vermicelli fungus is cooked, pour it into a bowl, and it is now finished;

14. Pour the steamed buns into a bowl and soak them. Prepare soy sauce, mature vinegar (not balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar), chili sauce (not Sichuan chili sauce), coriander, and sweet garlic according to your taste. Mix well and wait for 2 or 3 minutes before starting. Note: When making mutton steamed buns, you can add some flavoring agents such as chicken essence, MSG, oyster sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce, and lobster sauce to improve the taste and freshness. But the original mutton steamed bun does not need these condiments;
