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Kindergarten children's model painting book, model painting painting tutorial! It's worth learning!

Practice of simple lines

1. Horizontal line 2, vertical line 3, dotted line 4, zigzag line 5, semicircle line 6, small wavy line 7, large wavy line 8, telephone line 9, spiral line (snail line)

Practice of decorative lines (draw two lines for each line, draw four lines for one lesson, and gradually consolidate the practice later)


1. Circle 2, Point 3, S Line 4, Five pointed Star 5, Love 6, Popsicle (personal design, similar to the decorative line of blackboard newspaper)


Drawing Practice

1. Vertical rectangle 2, horizontal rectangle 3, semicircle 4, circle 5, triangle 6, trapezoid 7, ellipse and other figures (circle is particular about the method, with four points on the top, bottom, left and right. First draw three points on the left, top and right to form a semicircle, and then draw three points on the left, bottom and right to form a semicircle. Because circle is the most commonly used in painting, take children to practice drawing circles.)

Familiar with color:

For 36 color oil painting sticks, you can take the child to know 6 colors in each class, and the second class knows 6 colors plus the 6 color consolidation exercises in the last class, and so on. Color recognition can be reminded according to things in daily life. (For example, scarlet can be used to describe the color Zhu, which is the same as a child's last name. Cobalt blue can be used as a reminder of drum beating. When learning color, children should not be allowed to change the position of the oil painting stick, so that children can determine the color position.

At the beginning, you can ask questions collectively. After the children are familiar with it, they will conduct individual spot checks. Then, you can report the name of the color, and let the child use the oil painting stick to draw the color with dots on the painting book.

Practice coloring:

1. Practice of thick painting 2. Practice of thin painting 3. Practice of gradual change of color 4. Practice of mixed colors (color painting should be from top to bottom or from left to right. When painting horizontally, it should always be painted horizontally, and when painting vertically, it should always be painted vertically. When painting thinly, it can clearly feel the importance of painting)

Preparation of Fan Hua:

1. Bright colors 2. Large subject 3. Simple to difficult picture

The above is just a course designed by me, and you can add your model painting in it appropriately... Sometimes, just drawing one kind of painting is relatively simple. You can draw black and white lines once in four classes, or take part in courses such as origami, paper clay, etc.

I use a method similar to point exchange to paste small red flowers on students' homework in each class to mobilize their enthusiasm. Collect 8 small red flowers to exchange gifts. This gift needs to be drawn by lot... Children are very interested!!!
